Today I hacked into my brother's Facebook. Two different girls immediately starting chatting with me. I made conversation with both of them, and my brother now has two dates for 8:00 Friday night at the movies, neither of which I plan on telling him about. That'll teach him never to tear down my fort ever again. MLIA
^ that made me laugh, i hope it made you laugh..
Today was preety un-eventfull i guess.. i had the day off yesterday so coming back to school kinda really sucked, so since i have nothing to talk about i was tossing up on weather i should blog about shoes or about music.. i think i pick music <-- Weightless <-- Dear Maria, count me in
Those songs are by All time Low.. probebly one of the awesomest bands in the world.. Plus the lead singer is totally hot so BONUS! <-- Peices of the people we love
Peices of the people we love by The Rapture.. is a preety hard to like song, i ask you not to try listen to it untill you've opened your mind to it completely.. haha, did i freak you out?? Its probebly one of the best songs in the world.. Super awesome.. so listen, if you dare.. :]
anyway, i should probebly jet, take care, stay happy
laura belle xx
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