i havent blogged in awhile, thats because i can say i have honestly not felt like it. Schools back, which means more homework and more bitchfights. But it also means more friends - which is cool.
Last friday night i went to my friend Isa's party, shes super nice and super fun so that equals double nice/fun. so yeah, it was great.
Ive also had lots to think about during the past week, im looking at other schools which really as me confused. My parents think that my school isnt 'academically challenging' me, and because im such a 'smart girl' i need all the chances and challenges i can get. So i went on a tour of another school today, and that just ended up in a permanent headache. Part of me is excited by the fact that i might be moving on to knew things, and then the other part of me which is a whole lot larger is screaming "NO! IT'LL RUIN YOUR WHOLE LIFE!!" which it will, it'll change everything.
tommorow night i have another party, and it should be fun, i think i need some fun to get all this headache feelings out of me. right now im watching 'the mist' which is probebly one of the best movies ever. I remeber the first time i saw it, my mum and dad said "okay, we can watch the first half but tonights a school night so we'll have to watch the rest tommorow" but we all got sucked in and ended up watching the whole movie and at the end we were all crying, its memories like that that make me happy.
i know that when my dad gets home tonight he's going to grill me and mum about the new school but im really not sure what i want to say, i have my friends at school and i honestly dont think i can just leave. But i know dad has a point about my current school, and for the sake of this blog lets call it the 'nunnery'. I've been at the nunnery since year 7 and although it seems corny and lame i do feel like i fit in there, moving to a new school right now seems like a form of torture. Plus the girls at this new school are totally odd, i dont want to sound mean but no-one is that happy, they kept talking about 'community spirit' and how the programs are 'just amazing' - which they are, but no normal teenager gets excited about that kind of stuff.
anyway, moving on, im obsessed with this song right now - its called pork and beans by weezer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muP9eH2p2PI <-- go there
photo time now :) -

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