its the 28th :)
that means that christmas was 3 days ago, and my birthday is 3 days away.
so how was christmas? mine this year was actually preety bearable, some christmas' of the past have provided me with some preety odd experiences but this one wasnt too bad. I spent it with my Mum's family, and since their used to be some sort of rivalry between family members i was weary, but it wasnt too bad, and infact, as i type, the two people who always fought most are chatting about mushrooms. one on either side of myself.
but i got some awesome presents, and the food was extremely great too. :)
on the 27th we made out way to merimbulla ( we being my family and my mums sisters family ) and now we're just spending out time on the beach - having some great fun, and its not over for me yet :)
one of a couple crap things about this holiday is that i miss my friends, but everything'll be okay once i get back home.
still pale as ever.
i just dont seem to be able to pick up a tan, and not that i want a tan but maybe something other than my opaque skin would be nice sometimes.
but yeah.
thats it for now.
xx belle
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
love ~ finding new music :]
hey people :)
so i've been gone for quite some time now, not that lots of people notice - but whatever
so i've got some new music :)
the rapture - love is all
the horrors are this awesome band my friend lily introduced me too - they have some epic songs
the horrors - she is the new thing
the horrors - sea within a sea
the horrors - who can say
i really like the one above ^^ 'who can say' good song :)
so yeah, picture below
i really like their hair :)

xx bellee
so i've been gone for quite some time now, not that lots of people notice - but whatever
so i've got some new music :)
the rapture - love is all
the horrors are this awesome band my friend lily introduced me too - they have some epic songs
the horrors - she is the new thing
the horrors - sea within a sea
the horrors - who can say
i really like the one above ^^ 'who can say' good song :)
so yeah, picture below
i really like their hair :)

xx bellee
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
for my father.. :)
tommorow will be november the 19th, thats my dad's birthday.
every-year, ever since i was little, my dad wanted us to hand-make him his birthday cards. even then i was completely un-organized but i always made an effort.
this year i feel as if im too old to draw some pictures on a peice of paper, so i tried really hard to think of something unique i could do. i came up with this.
normally i would die before ever quoting Taylor Swift - but these lyrics seemed to sum up everything i wanted to say. so this is for dad -
I'm five years old and it's getting cold
I've got my big coat on
I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you
I run and run
Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides
Look now the sky is gold
I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home
I don't know why all the trees change in the fall
I know you're not scared of anything at all
Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away
But I know I had the best day with you today
I'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean
I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys
And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away
And we talk and window shop till I forgot all their names
I don't know who I'm gonna talk to now at school
But I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you
Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
But I know I had the best day with you today
I have an excellent father
His strength is making me stronger
God smiles on my little brother
Inside and out he's better than I am
I grew up in a pretty house and I had space to run
And I had the best days with you
There is a video I found from back when I was three
You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me
It's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs
Daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world
Now I know why all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
Staying back and watching me shine and I didn't know if you knew
So I'm taking this chance to say that I had the best day with you today
- Taylor Swift
youtube watch :- best days
my dad is the best dad i could ever wish for :)
Happy birthday dad :)
love, laura xx
every-year, ever since i was little, my dad wanted us to hand-make him his birthday cards. even then i was completely un-organized but i always made an effort.
this year i feel as if im too old to draw some pictures on a peice of paper, so i tried really hard to think of something unique i could do. i came up with this.
normally i would die before ever quoting Taylor Swift - but these lyrics seemed to sum up everything i wanted to say. so this is for dad -
I'm five years old and it's getting cold
I've got my big coat on
I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you
I run and run
Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides
Look now the sky is gold
I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home
I don't know why all the trees change in the fall
I know you're not scared of anything at all
Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away
But I know I had the best day with you today
I'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean
I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys
And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away
And we talk and window shop till I forgot all their names
I don't know who I'm gonna talk to now at school
But I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you
Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
But I know I had the best day with you today
I have an excellent father
His strength is making me stronger
God smiles on my little brother
Inside and out he's better than I am
I grew up in a pretty house and I had space to run
And I had the best days with you
There is a video I found from back when I was three
You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me
It's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs
Daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world
Now I know why all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
Staying back and watching me shine and I didn't know if you knew
So I'm taking this chance to say that I had the best day with you today
- Taylor Swift
youtube watch :- best days
my dad is the best dad i could ever wish for :)
Happy birthday dad :)
love, laura xx
it feels like..
i know what it feels like to be strong.
i know what it feels like to be weak.
i know what it feels like to be alone.
i know what it feels like to be surrounded.
i know what it feels like to be forgotton.
i know what it feels like to be rememebered.
i know what it feels like to be ugly.
i know what if feels like to be beautiful.
i know what it feels like to be happy.
i know what it feels like to be sad.
belle xx
i know what it feels like to be weak.
i know what it feels like to be alone.
i know what it feels like to be surrounded.
i know what it feels like to be forgotton.
i know what it feels like to be rememebered.
i know what it feels like to be ugly.
i know what if feels like to be beautiful.
i know what it feels like to be happy.
i know what it feels like to be sad.
belle xx
Sunday, November 15, 2009
and another one bites the dust.
life - in all it's many shapes and forms
sucks balls.
I hate depressed people - when life is such an amazing thing what is there to be depressed about? I look down on depressed people and here I am being one.
the guy I'm in love with loves someone else - he always has loved someone else and I've always waited to be the next 'one'.
sometimes I dream of a world that's different to here - someplace amazing and beautiful, that can fill the empty space is my imagination, someplace where there are no expectations, and no-one expects anything from me.
belle x
sucks balls.
I hate depressed people - when life is such an amazing thing what is there to be depressed about? I look down on depressed people and here I am being one.
the guy I'm in love with loves someone else - he always has loved someone else and I've always waited to be the next 'one'.
sometimes I dream of a world that's different to here - someplace amazing and beautiful, that can fill the empty space is my imagination, someplace where there are no expectations, and no-one expects anything from me.
belle x
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Imma do the things that i wanna do
I ain't got a thing to prove to you
I'll eat my candy with the pork and beans
Excuse my manners if i make a scene
I ain't gonna wear the clothes that you like
I'm fine and dandy with the me inside
one look in the mirror and i'm tickled pink
I don't give a hoot about what you think
I ain't got a thing to prove to you
I'll eat my candy with the pork and beans
Excuse my manners if i make a scene
I ain't gonna wear the clothes that you like
I'm fine and dandy with the me inside
one look in the mirror and i'm tickled pink
I don't give a hoot about what you think
Friday, October 9, 2009
i dont have to prove a thing to you.
hello :)
i havent blogged in awhile, thats because i can say i have honestly not felt like it. Schools back, which means more homework and more bitchfights. But it also means more friends - which is cool.
Last friday night i went to my friend Isa's party, shes super nice and super fun so that equals double nice/fun. so yeah, it was great.
Ive also had lots to think about during the past week, im looking at other schools which really as me confused. My parents think that my school isnt 'academically challenging' me, and because im such a 'smart girl' i need all the chances and challenges i can get. So i went on a tour of another school today, and that just ended up in a permanent headache. Part of me is excited by the fact that i might be moving on to knew things, and then the other part of me which is a whole lot larger is screaming "NO! IT'LL RUIN YOUR WHOLE LIFE!!" which it will, it'll change everything.
tommorow night i have another party, and it should be fun, i think i need some fun to get all this headache feelings out of me. right now im watching 'the mist' which is probebly one of the best movies ever. I remeber the first time i saw it, my mum and dad said "okay, we can watch the first half but tonights a school night so we'll have to watch the rest tommorow" but we all got sucked in and ended up watching the whole movie and at the end we were all crying, its memories like that that make me happy.
i know that when my dad gets home tonight he's going to grill me and mum about the new school but im really not sure what i want to say, i have my friends at school and i honestly dont think i can just leave. But i know dad has a point about my current school, and for the sake of this blog lets call it the 'nunnery'. I've been at the nunnery since year 7 and although it seems corny and lame i do feel like i fit in there, moving to a new school right now seems like a form of torture. Plus the girls at this new school are totally odd, i dont want to sound mean but no-one is that happy, they kept talking about 'community spirit' and how the programs are 'just amazing' - which they are, but no normal teenager gets excited about that kind of stuff.
anyway, moving on, im obsessed with this song right now - its called pork and beans by weezer. <-- go there
photo time now :) -

i havent blogged in awhile, thats because i can say i have honestly not felt like it. Schools back, which means more homework and more bitchfights. But it also means more friends - which is cool.
Last friday night i went to my friend Isa's party, shes super nice and super fun so that equals double nice/fun. so yeah, it was great.
Ive also had lots to think about during the past week, im looking at other schools which really as me confused. My parents think that my school isnt 'academically challenging' me, and because im such a 'smart girl' i need all the chances and challenges i can get. So i went on a tour of another school today, and that just ended up in a permanent headache. Part of me is excited by the fact that i might be moving on to knew things, and then the other part of me which is a whole lot larger is screaming "NO! IT'LL RUIN YOUR WHOLE LIFE!!" which it will, it'll change everything.
tommorow night i have another party, and it should be fun, i think i need some fun to get all this headache feelings out of me. right now im watching 'the mist' which is probebly one of the best movies ever. I remeber the first time i saw it, my mum and dad said "okay, we can watch the first half but tonights a school night so we'll have to watch the rest tommorow" but we all got sucked in and ended up watching the whole movie and at the end we were all crying, its memories like that that make me happy.
i know that when my dad gets home tonight he's going to grill me and mum about the new school but im really not sure what i want to say, i have my friends at school and i honestly dont think i can just leave. But i know dad has a point about my current school, and for the sake of this blog lets call it the 'nunnery'. I've been at the nunnery since year 7 and although it seems corny and lame i do feel like i fit in there, moving to a new school right now seems like a form of torture. Plus the girls at this new school are totally odd, i dont want to sound mean but no-one is that happy, they kept talking about 'community spirit' and how the programs are 'just amazing' - which they are, but no normal teenager gets excited about that kind of stuff.
anyway, moving on, im obsessed with this song right now - its called pork and beans by weezer. <-- go there
photo time now :) -

Monday, September 28, 2009
eight things ♥
Friday, September 18, 2009
lightsabers are cool :]

^^ that was my group at the social :) the photo's are late so sorry :)
I havnt blogged in a few days - sorry :( anyway, i started a new post on friday night but i never got to post it - so here it is:
talk about a crap day turned good :)
the day started off preety normal, slept in, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, got to school 5 minutes late - normal. but then stuff just got all weird, im assume my foul mood is associated with the end of term, meaning im insanely tired. anyway, preety much everything anyone said to me pissed me off but i think (hope) i managed to keep it on the low and not spazz out at anyone, i was successfull for the first few hours atleast. what exactly am i supposed to do when someone verbally attacks you out of the blue when your as messed up in the head as i am at the moment? i dont even know what happened really, its all a blur. when i think about it now i just see fuzzy people, hear high pitched voices and and feel someone shoving me in the gut.
moving on -
after all this plus excessive glaring and smirking my day turned good, for reasons im not going to talk about :)
i cried today. i dont cry much but ive been crying alot lately. if im not carefull im probebly going to get tear stains on my face.
that was it really - for friday i mean, if our worried dont be because im really happy now
I'm watching Notting Hill now, which is probebly the bestest most roanticest most amazing-est movies ever. its so good, if you havnt watched it i really suggest you do.
anyway, i dont have much time for blogging today -
laura belle xx
Thursday, September 17, 2009
thinking about sweet things ♥
i love the end of term.
i havent blogged in awhile, i've been down :( these past few weeks have been all about me stressing out for better marks. i hate it because my shoulders are all tense and my head is like.. spinning out of control like the poltergiest.
luckily i had a preety awesome night at the social on tuesday :)i mean, it was totally lame as. but i had fun getting ready and shit, and my friends totally fell in love :) so cute. except the guys kinda getting a bit stalkerish, may wanna lay off there.
photo time :) -

^ me and my insane babes, bee's blinking - forgive her
anyway, life seems good right now, im worried since i feel as if i lost contact with an old friend, and that really sucks. i know i'll love him forever ( as a friend, know that )but apart from all of that, everything is awesome, i just hope my marks will go up and that way everything will be totally perfect.
todays MLIA:
Today, at lunch, they were serving chinese food with fortune cookies. My fortune said that I should expand my horizons. Thinking that was a silly fortune, I went back for another. It read "second tries will prove fruitless." Well done, Cookie. MLIA.
bye for now :) x
i havent blogged in awhile, i've been down :( these past few weeks have been all about me stressing out for better marks. i hate it because my shoulders are all tense and my head is like.. spinning out of control like the poltergiest.
luckily i had a preety awesome night at the social on tuesday :)i mean, it was totally lame as. but i had fun getting ready and shit, and my friends totally fell in love :) so cute. except the guys kinda getting a bit stalkerish, may wanna lay off there.
photo time :) -

^ me and my insane babes, bee's blinking - forgive her
anyway, life seems good right now, im worried since i feel as if i lost contact with an old friend, and that really sucks. i know i'll love him forever ( as a friend, know that )but apart from all of that, everything is awesome, i just hope my marks will go up and that way everything will be totally perfect.
todays MLIA:
Today, at lunch, they were serving chinese food with fortune cookies. My fortune said that I should expand my horizons. Thinking that was a silly fortune, I went back for another. It read "second tries will prove fruitless." Well done, Cookie. MLIA.
bye for now :) x
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Today's MLIA:
Today I hacked into my brother's Facebook. Two different girls immediately starting chatting with me. I made conversation with both of them, and my brother now has two dates for 8:00 Friday night at the movies, neither of which I plan on telling him about. That'll teach him never to tear down my fort ever again. MLIA
^ that made me laugh, i hope it made you laugh..
Today was preety un-eventfull i guess.. i had the day off yesterday so coming back to school kinda really sucked, so since i have nothing to talk about i was tossing up on weather i should blog about shoes or about music.. i think i pick music <-- Weightless <-- Dear Maria, count me in
Those songs are by All time Low.. probebly one of the awesomest bands in the world.. Plus the lead singer is totally hot so BONUS! <-- Peices of the people we love
Peices of the people we love by The Rapture.. is a preety hard to like song, i ask you not to try listen to it untill you've opened your mind to it completely.. haha, did i freak you out?? Its probebly one of the best songs in the world.. Super awesome.. so listen, if you dare.. :]
anyway, i should probebly jet, take care, stay happy
laura belle xx
Today I hacked into my brother's Facebook. Two different girls immediately starting chatting with me. I made conversation with both of them, and my brother now has two dates for 8:00 Friday night at the movies, neither of which I plan on telling him about. That'll teach him never to tear down my fort ever again. MLIA
^ that made me laugh, i hope it made you laugh..
Today was preety un-eventfull i guess.. i had the day off yesterday so coming back to school kinda really sucked, so since i have nothing to talk about i was tossing up on weather i should blog about shoes or about music.. i think i pick music <-- Weightless <-- Dear Maria, count me in
Those songs are by All time Low.. probebly one of the awesomest bands in the world.. Plus the lead singer is totally hot so BONUS! <-- Peices of the people we love
Peices of the people we love by The Rapture.. is a preety hard to like song, i ask you not to try listen to it untill you've opened your mind to it completely.. haha, did i freak you out?? Its probebly one of the best songs in the world.. Super awesome.. so listen, if you dare.. :]
anyway, i should probebly jet, take care, stay happy
laura belle xx
Monday, August 24, 2009
i wanna i wanna i wanna touch you.. :]

Me and Nick

Hannah and Nick
insane day,
i find myself lost between my friends romantic problems, bitchy ignoring and insane amounts of homework. Why do guys give you so much grief? maybe God meant for us to be Gay or something because Men.Suck.Balls.
anyway, friends/ bitchy ignoring.. what are you supposed to do when your best friend becomes a complete stranger the next day? Everything changes so quickly you kinda wonder what even happened in the first place, and i know you dont care but life SUCKS..
Anyway, i had a good weekend.. i met up with my friends Nick and Hannah, and that was awesome, i hadnt seen them in ages so it was like.. YAY! (pictures above)
okay, im over it now.. for the next 5 minutes atleast,
Today it was the first day of class and my teacher was taking role. He was mad a kid wasn't there and under his breath muttered, "Jesus Christ." I said, "Here." I have never felt so witty in my entire life. MLIA.
lets just act like the above was totally not random/weird at all.. gotta love my life is average..
i just urbandictionaried my name, it writes:
-Sex on legs
-Tiger in the bedroom
-Waistcoat is TEH SEX
-Possibly the rudest person you will EVER meet
so apparently im a cute,adorable,rude tiger wearing a waistcoat who's sex on legs..
Man, im epic :]
laura belle xx
Friday, August 21, 2009
just all those wonderfull things.. :]

Being Spock with Bee.
Hugging your friend.
Falling in love.
Laughing so hard your face hurts.
A hot shower.
No lines at the grocery store.
A special glance.
Getting mail.
Taking a drive on a pretty road.
Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
Hot towels out of the dryer.
Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.
Chocolate milkshake.
A long distance phone call.
A bubble bath.
A good conversation.
The beach.
Finding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter.
Laughing at yourself.
Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
Running through sprinklers.
Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
Laughing at an inside joke.
Falling in love for the first time.
Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
Your first kiss.
Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
Playing with a new puppy.
Late night talks with your roommate that keep you from sleeping.
Having someone play with your hair.
Sweet dreams.
Hot chocolate.
Road trips with friends.
Swinging on swings.
Watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch with someone you love.
Wrapping presents under the Christmas tree while eating cookies and drinking eggnog.
Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid.
Going to a really good concert.
Getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see that one person.
Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
Winning a really competitive game.
Making chocolate chip cookies!
Having your friends send you homemade cookies!
Spending time with close friends!
Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends.
Holding hands with someone you care about.
Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
Discovering that love is unconditional and stronger than time.
Riding the best roller coasters over and over.
Hugging the person you love.
Watching the expression someone's face as they open a much-desired present from you.
Watching the sunrise.
Getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day.
Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problems
Thursday, August 20, 2009
mass beauty :]

That is my absoloutely beautiful sister, K, She's just started reading my blog so i thought i'd introduce her. She likes satay sticks and farmville and is in admist a love affair with her dog Leo (see above), she recently broke her arm, and im out to hunt the kid that did it (jokes jokes).Anyway, it was preety dramatic as she went into shock and had to go to the hospital in an ambulance and everything (ambulances are cool!), but it means that im her slave untill she gets the "collar and cuff" off, which is u-n-c-o-o-l..
Anyway, Today was preety boring.. I had Drama and Science and Religion (Blaahhhh..) and then we had to listen to the Principal for like, an hour.. It was boring, and i fell asleep on M's shoulder. anyway, heres some linkage - listen to it, you know you want to.. <-- Click Click!!
xx laura belle
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
felicity downie - breaking the habit..

did you not see those photos?
its literally amazing what she can do with a camera, camera nerd that she is, anyway, i love her, she has a deviantart site, check it out - <-- Go there, you know you want too,
laura belle xx
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
an indesirable fate..
VCE selection,
Does anybody else hate third and forth term, and think its completely ridiculous that schools are making us pick VCE subjects to help us "path the way to the rest of our life"!!
Its not like any of us actually KNOW what we're going to do when we leave school (if you do, then lucky lucky you) isnt is just cruel to make us worry about stupid subject selection? What EXACTLY is the point. 15/16 year olds just arent mentally ready to pick their "lifes path" (pfffttt), And teachers make us 'normal underachievers' feel like insufficent little morons..
Its just u-n-c-o-o-l..
Anyway, I've been researching Pilot's courses on the google-machine, could that maybe be my "pathway"??
laura belle xx
Does anybody else hate third and forth term, and think its completely ridiculous that schools are making us pick VCE subjects to help us "path the way to the rest of our life"!!
Its not like any of us actually KNOW what we're going to do when we leave school (if you do, then lucky lucky you) isnt is just cruel to make us worry about stupid subject selection? What EXACTLY is the point. 15/16 year olds just arent mentally ready to pick their "lifes path" (pfffttt), And teachers make us 'normal underachievers' feel like insufficent little morons..
Its just u-n-c-o-o-l..
Anyway, I've been researching Pilot's courses on the google-machine, could that maybe be my "pathway"??
laura belle xx
Monday, August 17, 2009
when all is crumbling, i'll steady your hand :] <- that, is a good song.
my gentleman friend nate's in France now, i really miss him. it kinda sucks since he'll be there for 3 months now, and he's only been gone for 2 weeks.
i hate rich parents that can afford take there kids all over the world :(
anyway, i put that song up because it's me and nates song. and i like it.
"picture, your the queen of everything,
as far as the eye can see under your command,
i will be your guardian,
when all is crumbling,
i'll steady your hand"
miss you,
laura belle xx
news.. dontcha just hate it..??

I found out my best friend A's going into surgery today, :(, im worried about her, I've known A for a looonnnngggg time, 5 years, and shes getting a biopsy of her stomach done today.. because she has a funky tummy :], anyway, Thats me and ash above, shes the one with the retarded yellow zinc on her face..
just because shes cool like that :]
laura bellee xx
three blue bubbles :]
So im new to this whole blogging thing, excuse the lame jokes and awkward bits of writing,
you probebly dont care, but i guess im supposed to tell you all about my life and stuff so lets start..
Friday: Sion Day
Sion day is a special form of torture the teachers at Sion created in order to slowly let us sink deeper and deeper into depression (not that I'm depressed or anything). They have this super awful disco that only people with no social life enjoy (complete with smoke machines and glow sticks!), and weird activities like "funky broaches" and chess games in the carpark (???).. anyway, on Friday night i went out with my parents and my sister and met up with my Grandpa, Auntie and Justin (Auntie's Boyfriend), we went to this cool Thai place in this little street in the city, twas' fun.
Saturday: Dad goes to the Airport, Pompeii
So i had to wake up really early to take dad to the airport, Its kinda bad, since he's going away for god knows how long, but its still pretty cool because when he calls me there's always random American people in the background and you can hear their really cool accents.. :), soafter we dropped Dad off, Mum, Kathleen and i went to the Pompeii exhibition at the museum, and it was so sad that i actually kinda felt myself crying on the inside ( and this guy was laughing at me :(.. I was supposed to hang out with my friends Grace, Heidi and Samira after that but i got too tired so i cancelled..
Sunday: The Uncle comes over (duh duh duuuhhhhhh)
Yesterday i had like, 5 hours of sleep in me so i slept in.. i woke up at 10 and made mi goreng (yummmmyyy) I couldnt find the scissors so i decided to saw open the seasoning with a knife and i cut myself quite badly.. it hurt, anyway, Mum said to vaccumm so i ignored her for awhile but then she got kinda pissed to i started vacuuming and she said that Uncle Michael was coming over so i was like..ohhkkaayy??, but when we picked him up from the Station he was actually fun so it turned out preety great..
anyway, that preety much sums up my weekend, i'll post photo's next time :]
laura bellee xx
you probebly dont care, but i guess im supposed to tell you all about my life and stuff so lets start..
Friday: Sion Day
Sion day is a special form of torture the teachers at Sion created in order to slowly let us sink deeper and deeper into depression (not that I'm depressed or anything). They have this super awful disco that only people with no social life enjoy (complete with smoke machines and glow sticks!), and weird activities like "funky broaches" and chess games in the carpark (???).. anyway, on Friday night i went out with my parents and my sister and met up with my Grandpa, Auntie and Justin (Auntie's Boyfriend), we went to this cool Thai place in this little street in the city, twas' fun.
Saturday: Dad goes to the Airport, Pompeii
So i had to wake up really early to take dad to the airport, Its kinda bad, since he's going away for god knows how long, but its still pretty cool because when he calls me there's always random American people in the background and you can hear their really cool accents.. :), soafter we dropped Dad off, Mum, Kathleen and i went to the Pompeii exhibition at the museum, and it was so sad that i actually kinda felt myself crying on the inside ( and this guy was laughing at me :(.. I was supposed to hang out with my friends Grace, Heidi and Samira after that but i got too tired so i cancelled..
Sunday: The Uncle comes over (duh duh duuuhhhhhh)
Yesterday i had like, 5 hours of sleep in me so i slept in.. i woke up at 10 and made mi goreng (yummmmyyy) I couldnt find the scissors so i decided to saw open the seasoning with a knife and i cut myself quite badly.. it hurt, anyway, Mum said to vaccumm so i ignored her for awhile but then she got kinda pissed to i started vacuuming and she said that Uncle Michael was coming over so i was like..ohhkkaayy??, but when we picked him up from the Station he was actually fun so it turned out preety great..
anyway, that preety much sums up my weekend, i'll post photo's next time :]
laura bellee xx
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