It seems that i go through phases.. at one point i'll post everyday and then at another i just cant ever be bothered.
moving on from this i'd like to tell you all a story..
I arrived in singapore around 6.45pm local time.. which means that for all my australian friends and family it was 8.45pm.. i like adding 'local time' after '6.45' because thats that the pilots on the planes say..
as you should know, i've come up to singapore 3 times now, because my dads working here, because of this i know the entrance to singapore like the back of my hand.
so as we're walking out of the Qantas terminal at 7.15 (i know, the baggage terminal took FOREVER to return our bags) we get into the taxi and i'm feeling quite relaxed and happy, which ofcourse, is quite nice..
sometime later we arrive at the apartment and go down for dinner, as we're walking my dad tells us of the.. wait for it..
thats right, GIANT SNAILS that make their way on to the path we need to cross to get home.. and apparently they come in PACKS! which would be impossible for any other kind of snail but not the SINGAPORE GIANT SNAILS!
its actually quite unbelieveable i had not yet seen a SINGAPORE GIANT SNAIL!
anyway, all was well and good untill the next day, after dinner, when Kathleen and I were discussing how nice Bradley Cooper was looking in the A-Team (awesome movie by the way, you should totally check that out)

as i said, nice right? oh and sorry about the poor quality of the picture, first i typed in "bradley cooper" but couldnt find a picture that expressed his 'nice-ness' and then i typed in "bradley cooper, a-team" and singapore said "bradley cooper, a-team" may return explicit adult content and has been filtered by your Bing SafeSearch settings.Your country or region requires a strict Bing SafeSearch setting, which filters out results that might return adult content
so apparently Singapore thinks i'm being dirty by googling bradley cooper..
interesting huh?
anyway, back on track..
as we were disussing Bradley Cooper and the A-Team i saw a hideous big blob of mush on the concrete next to a big rock thing.. i cant really remember what happened next but Kathleen says i screamed like a little girl, did a star jump in the air - while screaming (which i think takes skill), and ran for 5 meteres before screaming again "WHAT WAS THAT!"
The worst thing is that i did this near a construction site, so preety much all of singapore's workers heard me..
heres a picture -

this is actually a GIANT 'african' SNAIL from africa.. i got the picture from wiklipedia so thats not even my foot, personally that colour nail polish doesnt do jusice to my skin tone. anyway, overlook the fact that this is an 'african' GIANT SNAIL, and just imagine its a SINGAPOREAN GIANT SNAIL!
you can not tell me you wouldnt be scared of that thing.. its like a breed between a normal small sized snail and another medium sized invertebrate..
So that was my GIANT SNAIL story, i have quite a few others, not GIANT SNAIL stories but others..
lie when we went to see A-Team and after the movie we got ito the lift and there were all these asian boy teenagers and the were muttering in chinese or something and then one of them pulled out his phone and they all started singing along to Justin Beiber.. complete with hand movements.. i must admit i was impressed :)
love x
BELLE you know what forget about what i said last time your work was really good, funny, and the part about bradley cooper was really funny and you so did not run 5 metres away from the snail still screaming you ran about 2 metres if i spelt anything wrong you can post it on my blog and can you teach ,me how you get that really posh side line that's on both sides of the thingy mu bob you probbebly don't get me well never mind you can ask me some other time and if you didn't get my other post don't worry a liile thing about that bye bye
If she has a garden, she probably squashed the poor thing!